Stella Johnson from the USA Gets a Worry-free Vascular Surgery in India to Get Rid of Limb Pain

Stella Johnson, who is 58 years old and belongs to the USA, had a smooth and uncomplicated life until one day when her lower left leg started to ache. As she informed the medical doctor at the same time as telling her medical records, she did now not have any associated loss of consciousness or any bleeding. She did not have any trouble with the ache for a while and the concept of it as a minor issue. But, she got concerned while it did not go away. 

Consequently, Stella started a quest to find the best doctor for her pain. Due to restricted clinical sources in her very own country, she desired to come to India.  She visited and speeded up the process, after going thru Dr. Rajiv Parakh review the case manager helped her to get in touch with the best vascular surgeon for her problem. She decided to visit India. Soon, all her documents had been filed and arrangements had been made by the team for her arrival in India. She arrived, after which she was taken from the airport to the hotel. The next day, her appointment was booked with Dr. Rajiv Parakh India.

During the appointment with, best vascular surgeon they exchanged an assuring gesture, which already made her better. He took detailed case history from Stella during which she told the doctor that she also has a history of CVA in the past. The surgeon asked him to undergo all the physical examinations and had blood tests performed. This intended that one in every of her major artery on the right side changed into narrowed further to blockage within the artery at the left side. To add upon her troubles, she discovered that she additionally has diabetes mellitus with associated systemic hypertension.  

Best Vascular Surgeon Medanta Hospital Gurugram

The diagnosis was surprising to Stella. She had no idea that a minor difficulty of leg ache might be an artery blockage. Watching her getting so scared after her diagnosis, Dr. Rajiv Parakh India assured her that she will get treated with the best hands and she will be fine soon. Thereafter, she was given the complete details regarding the unique remedy plan. The patient asked that the best treatment plan for her shall be carotid endarterectomy as a part of which the lining of the artery had widened due to removal of the plaque deposits on the wall. She felt apprehensive however gave her consent, and got her surgery scheduled.  On the day of the procedure, all her pre-operative test was carried out. She was pacified by the staff members. In the end, the surgical procedure was performed and took nearly 2 hours. After the surgical treatment, the patient was shifted to the ward. She was made to stay in the hospital for some days to recover from the surgery. After her healing process, the patient was pain-free and really glad along with her treatment in India. “The offerings provided by the surgeon and the staff have been rendered to perfection. I would give Dr. Rajiv Parakh review; just keep doing what you are doing. He is very professional and accommodating. Also, thanks a lot to my coordinator India cardiac surgery service. “Food is one thing which was great to enjoy, too applicable for vegetarians like me.” Stella Johnson was extremely pleased and thankful to India’s cardiac surgery service and Dr. Rajiv Parakh India for the entire service. She shared that she had a top-notch experience in India. India cardiac surgery service wishes her great life ahead.

About indiacardiacsurgery

I am Rachel Smith,associated with India Cardiac Surgery Consultants. India Cardiac Surgery is a popular name in the field of heart surgery. These consultants are having a team of skilled and experienced cardiac surgeons.
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